
Part I


对于时间和内存敏感的系统,wait-free 和 lock-free 循环队列是一种有用的技术。队列的 wait-free 特性使每个操作以固定次步骤完成。 lock-free 特性使得单生产线程和单消费线程通信不需要锁。

Wait-free 和 lock-free 的特性可以应用于广泛的领域,比如实时系统的中断和信号处理或者其他时间敏感软件。

Background: Circular FIFO Queue

这里的循环 FIFO 队列只能适用于最多两个线程的通信,这个场景一般是单生产者单消费者问题。


解决方案:使用FIFO队列将任务发送给另一个线程(消费者),当任务从生产者传递到消费者时,使用FIFO队列可以将使得异步委派和处理提供可预测的行为。 生产者可以在队列没有满时,将任务加入到队列中,消费者可以从队列中将任务取出。对队列执行添加和取出操作时,不需要等待。如果消费者处理完一个任务,可以继续执行其他任务,当队列已满,生产者也不会阻塞。 显然队列满对于生产者不是什么好的事情,所以必须仔细考虑其最大尺寸以及满队列的不良影响。涉及此问题的方法,比如覆盖旧数据、多个优先级队列或其他处理方式。

Background: Article Rationale


【译者注:免责声明以及一些类似 lock-free guarante 的内容】略

Memory model: sequential or relaxed/acquire/release?

本文提供了两种内存模型的队列:memory_order_seq_cst默认的,还有结合了memory_order_acquire, memory_order_release, memory_order_relaxed三种的,然后讨论了默认的不仅简单而且在x86架构的服务器上还很快

Using the code


CicularFifo<Message, 128> queue;
Message m = ...
if (false == queue.push(m)) { /*false equals full queue */}
Message m;
if (false == queue.pop(m)) { /*false equals empty queue */}

Code Explained: Circularfifo‹Type, Size›


template‹typename Element, size_t Size› 
class CircularFifo{
  enum { Capacity = Size+1 };
  CircularFifo() : _tail(0), _head(0){}   
  virtual ~CircularFifo() {}
  bool push(const Element& item); 
  bool pop(Element& item);
  bool wasEmpty() const;
  bool wasFull() const;
  bool isLockFree() const;
  size_t increment(size_t idx) const; 
  std::atomic‹size_t›  _tail;  
  Element              _array[Capacity];
  std::atomic‹size_t›  _head; 

How it works





bool wasEmpty() const 
  return (_head.load()) == (_tail.load());

Producer adds items

/* Producer only: updates tail index after setting the element in place */
bool push(Element& item_)
  auto current_tail = _tail.load();            
  auto next_tail = increment(current_tail);    
  if(next_tail != _head.load())                         
    _array[current_tail] = item;               
    return true;
  return false;  // full queue

Consumer retrieves item

/* Consumer only: updates head index after retrieving the element */
bool pop(Element& item)
  const auto current_head = _head.load();  
  if(current_head == _tail.load())  
    return false;   // empty queue
  item = _array[current_head]; 
  return true;


bool wasFull() const
  const auto next_tail = increment(_tail.load());
  return (next_tail == _head.load());
size_t increment(size_t idx) const
  return (idx + 1) % Capacity;

Thread Safe Use and Implementation

Part II

Making It Work


Atomic operations and the different Memory Models

Below is described a subset of the functionality that you can get from the different C++11 memory models and atomic operations. It is in no way comprehensive but contains the necessary pieces to explain both types of the C++11 empowered wait-free, lock-free circular queue.

There are three different memory-ordering models in C++11 and with them six ordering options.

  1. Sequentially consistent model
    • memory_order_seq_cst
  2. acquire-release model
    • memory_order_consume
    • memory_order_acquire
    • memory_order_release
    • memory_order_acq_rel
  3. relaxed model
    • memory_order_relaxed

Please refer to atomic and memory order