In particular, there are many cases where a thread wishes to check whether a condition is true before continuing its execution. For example, a parent thread might wish to check whether a child thread has completed before continuing (this is often called a join); how should such a wait be implemented? Let’s look at one example:

void *child(void *arg) {
  /// how to indicate we are done?
  return NULL;
int main() {
  printf("parent: begin\n");
  pthread_t c;
  pthread_create(&c, nullptr, child, nullptr);
  /// how to wait for child
  printf("parent: end\n");
  return 0;

The first approach is using a shared varaible, like follow:

volatile int done = 0;
void *child(void *arg) {
  done = 1;
  return NULL;
int main() {
  printf("parent: begin\n");
  pthread_t c;
  pthread_create(&c, nullptr, child, nullptr);
  while(!done); // spin
  printf("parent: end\n");
  return 0;

But it is inefficient as parent spins and wastes CPU time. What we would like here insead is some way to put the parent to sleep until the condition we are waiting for (e.g. the child is done executing) comes ture.

Definition and Routines

To wait for a condition to become true, a thread can make use of what is known as a conditino variable. A condition variable is an explicit queue that threads can put themselves on when some state of execution(i.e. some condition) is not as desired(by waiting on the condition); some other thread, when it changes said state, can then wake one(or more) of those waiting threads and thus allow them to continue(by signaling on the condition).

The idea goes back to Dijkstra’s use of private semaphores.

A condition variable has two operations associated with it: wait() and signal().

  • the wait() call is executed when a thread wishes to put itself to sleep
  • the signal() call is executed when a thread has changed something in the program and thus wants to wake a sleeping thread waiting on this condition.

Let’s show the last paragraph example:

int done = 0;
pthread_mutex_t m = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t cv = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
void thr_exit() {
  done = 1;
void *child(void *arg) {
  return NULL;
void thr_join() {
  while(done == 0) 
    pthread_cond_wait(&cv, &m);
int main() {
  printf("parent: begin\n");
  pthread_t p;
  pthread_create(&p, NULL, child, NULL);
  printf("parent: end\n");

One thing you might notice about the wait() call is that it also takes a mutex as a parameter; it assumes that this mutex is blocked when wait() is called. The responsibility of wait() is to release the lock and put the calling thread to sleep (atomically); when the thread wakes up, it must re-acquire the lock before returning to the caller. This purpose is to prevent certain race conditions from occurring when a thread is trying to put itself to sleep.

There are two case that maybe happen:

{% mermaid() %} sequenceDiagram parent>child: thr_join parentparent: wait() and release the lock child>child: acquire the lock and set done parentparent: return from wait() wich lock held and continue {% end %}

{% mermaid() %} sequenceDiagram child > child: acquire the lock and set done parent parent: wait() directly return and continue {% end %}

One last noe: you might observe that the parent use a while loop instead of just an if stmt when deciding whether to wait on the condition.

  1. If we remove the state variable done, what is happened? Think about, first child calls thr_exit immediately; in this case, the child will signal, but there is no thread asleep on the condition. When the parent runs, it will simply call wait and be stuck; no thread will ever wake it.
  2. If we remove the mutext ? The issue here is a subtle race condition.

Let’s explain if stmt problem in the bounded-buffer problem(producer/consumer)

int buffer;
int count = 0;
int loops;
cond_t cond;
mutext_t mutex;
void put(int value) {
  assert(count == 0);
  count = 1;
  buffer = value;
int get() {
  assert(count == 1);
  count = 0;
  return buffer;
void *producer(void *arg) {
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < loops; i++) {
    pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);              // p1
    if (count == 1)                          // p2
      pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex);      // p3
    put(i);                                  // p4
    pthread_cond_signal(&cond);              // p5
    pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);            // p6
void *consumer(void *arg) {
  int i;
  for(i = 0; i < loops; i++) {
    pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);             // c1
    if (count == 0)                         // c2
      pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex);     // c3
    int temp = get();                       // c4
    pthread_cond_signal(&cond);             // c5
    pthread_mutext_unlock(&mutex);          // c6
    printf("%d\n", temp);

one-producer and one-consumer this works. However, if we have more than one of these threads, the solution has two critical problems. What are they?

If stmt cause race conditon:

TC1 StateTC2 StateTPcountComment
c1 runreadyready0
c2 runreadyready0
c3 sleepreadyready0
sleepreadyp1 run0
sleepreadyp2 run0
sleepreadyp4 run1buffer now fill TC1 awoken
readyreadyp5 run1
readyreadyp6 run1
readyreadyp1 run1
readyreadyp2 run1
readyreadyP3 sleep1buffer rull; sleep tc2 sneaks in…
readyc1 runsleep1
readyc2 runsleep1
readyc4 runsleep0… and grabs data TP awoken
readyc5 runready0
readyc6 runready0
c4 runreadyready0Oh ho! No data

Changing p2 and c2 if stmt to while will fix the issue. But there is another problem, as there is only one condition variable.

TC1 StateTC2 StateTPcountComment
c1 runreadyready0
c2 runreadyready0
c3 sleepreadyready0
sleepc1 runready0
sleepc2 runready0
sleepc3 sleepready0nothing to get
sleepsleepp1 run0
sleepsleepp2 run0
sleepsleepp4 run1buffer now full TC1 awoken
readysleepp5 run1
readysleepP6 run1
readysleepp1 run1
readysleepp2 run1
readysleepP3 sleep1must sleep (full)
c2 runsleepsleep1recheck condition
c4 runsleepsleep0TC1 grab data
c5 runreadysleep0Oops! Woek TC2
c6 runreadysleep0
c1 runreadysleep0
c2 runreadysleep0
c3 sleepreadysleep0
sleepc2 runsleep0
sleepc3 sleepsleep0

The problem happen at the blackbody line. TC1 awake TC2, as there is only one condition variable.

Summary about using

  • Using mutex with condition variable
  • When checking for a condition in a multi-threaded program, using while loop is always correct.

Next problem, which one thread should be awoke?

int bytes_left = MAX_HEAP_SIZE;
cond_t c;
mutex m;
void allocate(int size) {
  while(bytes_left < size) 
    pthread_cond_wait(&c, &m);
  void *ptr = ...;
  bytes_left -= size;
  return ptr;
void free(void *ptr, int size) {
  bytes_left += size;
  pthread_cond_signal(&c); // whom to signal???
// threada allocate(100);
// threadb allocate(10);
// threadc free(50);

As comments, threadc free 50 bytes memory, if it awake threadb, the result is correct, but if it awake threada, it’s error. The sollution is introduce the pthread_cond_broadcase semantic.

In general, if you find that your program only works when you change your signals to broadcasts (but you don’t think it should need to), you probably have a buf, fix it!

Implementation uing mutex

struct condition {
  proc next;
  proc prev;
  mutex mx; // protect operations on this queue. This semaphore should be spin-lock since it will only be held for very short periods of time
void wait(condition *c, mutex *mx) {
  enqueue(&c->next, &c->prev, thr_self());
  // the suspend and release_mutex() operation should be atomic
  mutex_acquire(mx); // woke up -- our turn, get resource lock
void signal(condition *c) {
  thread_id tid;
  tid = dequeue(&c->next, &c->prev);
  if (tid > 0) {
void boradcast(condition *c) {
  thread_id tid;
  while(&c->next) {
    tid = dequeue(&c->next, &c->prev);
