From Catch2
When I need to unit-test for some software, I find the Catch2 library, v2 version is only header-library. I read the document: Why do we need yet another C++ test framework?, for c++ there are so many established frameworks, including to(but not limited to), Google Test, Boost.Test, CppUnit and so on. Summary as follow:
- Easy to use. Just download some file, add them into your project. No external dependencies.
- BDD-style, Given-When-Then sections as well as traditional unit test cases
- Write test cases as, self-registering, functions(or methods, if you prefer)
- Tests are named using free-form strings - no more couching names in legal identifiers
- …
For me simple and practical using, the first tip is important.
But, yes, there is always but, the v3 version brings a bunch of significant changes, the big one being that Catch2 is no longer a single-header library, and behaves as a normal library, with multiple headers and separately compiled implementation.
It’s ok, and what I need particular requirement is I want to write test with productive code. And personly I like the single-header library, it’s easiest to use.
And I find the doctest repo.
Tests can be a form of documentation and should be able to reside near the production code which they test.
- This makes the barrier for writing tests much lower - you don’t have to: 1) make a separate source file 2) include a bunch of stuff in it 3) add it to the build system and 4) add it to source control - You can just write the tests for a class or a piece of functionality at the bottom of its source file - or even header file!
- Tests in the production code can be thought of as documentation/up-to-date comments - showcasing the APIs
- Testing internals that are not exposed through the public API and headers is no longer a mind-bending exercise
- Test-driven development in C++ has never been easier!
And there is the DOCTEST_CONFIG_DISABLE config to remove all tests from the library or binary.
Assertion Micro
- REQUIRE : will immediately quit the test case if the assert fails and will mark the test case as failed
- CHECK : will mark the test case as failed if the assert fails but will continue with the test case
- WARN : will only print a message if the assert fails but will not mark the test case as failed
- <LEVEL>_THOWS : except a throw
Test cases
- TEST_CASE(test name)
BDD-style test cases
- SCENARIO(scenario name) → map to TEST_CASE, and the test case name will be prefixed by “Scenario: ”
- GIVEN / WHEN/ THEN - map to SUBCASE, the prefixed would be “given: / when: / then: “
Test suites
Test cases can be grouped into test suites.
- TEST_SUITE(<suite name>) {}
- TEST_SUITE_BEGIN(<suite name>)
Test cases can be decorated with additional attributes like this:
* doctest::description("shouldn't take more than 500ms")
* doctest::timeout(0.5))
Multiple decorators can be used at the same time.
- skip(bool = true)
- no_breaks(bool = true)
- no_output(bool = true)
- may_fail(bool = true) doesn’t fail the test case if any given assertion fails(but still report it)
- should_fail(bool = true)
- expected_failures(int)
- timeout(double) fails the test case if its execution exceeds this limit (in seconds) - but doesn’t terminate it - that would require subprocess support
- test_suite(“name”)
- description(“text”)