generates simple, idiomatic and readable Rust types
保留 proto 中的注释
可以在已有的 Rust types 中增加 attributes 来转换为 Message
使用 bytes::{Buf, BufMut}
来抽象而不是 std::io::{Read, Write}
可以识别 package 自动转换为 Rust module
不支持 reflection
generated code
prost 可以根据 .proto
文件生成 rust 代码
package foo.bar
→ foo::bar
message ← > Rust struct
message Foo {
// <->
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Message)]
pub struct Foo {
protobuf message fields 对应 Rust struct pub fields
Scalar Values
protobuf type rust type double f64 float f32 int32,sint32,sfixed32 i32 int64,sint64,sfixed64 i64 uint32, fixed32 u32 uint64, fixed64 u64 bool bool string String bytes Vec
枚举对应 Rust 的 i32
enum PhoneType {
HOME = 1;
WORK = 2;
pub enum PhoneType {
Mobile = 0,
Home = 1,
Work = 2,
// PhoneType::Mobile as i32 可行
// #[derive(::prost::Enumeration)] 会给 `PhoneType` 增加方法
impl PhoneType {
pub fn is_valid(value: i32) -> bool
pub fn from_i32(value: i32) -> Option<PhoneType>
Field Modifiers
Versionmodifier Rust Type proto2 optional Option proto2 required T proto3 default T proto2/proto3 repeated Vec
Map Fields
Rust HashMap
Message Fields
默认会生成 Option<T>
message 会 Box 避免无限 size 的 struct
Oneof Fileds
Oneof 会转换成 enum
message Foo {
oneof widget {
int32 quux = 1;
string bar = 2;
pub struct Foo {
pub widget: Option<foo::Widget>,
pub mod foo {
pub enum Widget {
支持自定义处理 service
定义,根据项目需要生成 trait
syntax = "proto3" ;
package tutorial ;
message Person {
string name = 1 ;
int32 id = 2 ; // unique id number for this person
string email = 3 ;
enum PhoneType {
MOBILE = 0 ;
HOME = 1 ;
WORK = 2 ;
message PhoneNumber {
string number = 1 ;
PhoneNumber type = 2 ;
repeated PhoneNumber phones = 4 ;
// our address book file is just one of these
message AddressBook {
repeated Person people = 1 ;
#[derive( Clone , PartialEq , :: prost :: Message )]
pub struct Person {
#[prost(string, tag = "1" )]
pub name : :: prost :: alloc :: string :: String ,
/// unique id number for this person
#[prost(int32, tag = "2" )]
pub id : i32 ,
#[prost(string, tag = "3" )]
pub email : :: prost :: alloc :: string :: String ,
#[prost(message, repeated, tag = "4" )]
pub phones : :: prost :: alloc :: vec :: Vec <person :: PhoneNumber >,
/// Nested message and enum types in `Person`.
pub mod person {
#[derive( Clone , PartialEq , :: prost :: Message )]
pub struct PhoneNumber {
#[prost(string, tag = "1" )]
pub number : :: prost :: alloc :: string :: String ,
#[prost(message, optional, boxed, tag = "2" )]
pub r#type : :: core :: option :: Option < :: prost :: alloc :: boxed :: Box < PhoneNumber >>,
#[derive( Clone , Copy , Debug , PartialEq , Eq , Hash , PartialOrd , Ord , :: prost :: Enumeration )]
#[repr( i32 )]
pub enum PhoneType {
Mobile = 0 ,
Home = 1 ,
Work = 2 ,
/// our address book file is just one of these
#[derive( Clone , PartialEq , :: prost :: Message )]
pub struct AddressBook {
#[prost(message, repeated, tag = "1" )]
pub people : :: prost :: alloc :: vec :: Vec < Person >,
Prost 会根据声明的顺序自动推断 struct 中 field 的 tag,加上合适的 derive and field annotation 就能实现序列化/反序列化已有的类型
use prost;
use prost :: { Enumeration , Message };
#[derive( Clone , PartialEq , Message )]
struct Person {
#[prost(string, tag = "1" )]
pub id : String , // tag=1
// NOTE: Old "name" field has been removed
// pub name: String, // tag=2 (Removed)
#[prost(string, tag = "6" )]
pub given_name : String , // tag=6
pub family_name : String , // tag=7
pub formatted_name : String , // tag=8
#[prost(uint32, tag = "3" )]
pub age : u32 , // tag=3
pub height : u32 , // tag=4
#[prost(enumeration = "Gender" )]
pub gender : i32 , // tag=5
// NOTE: Skip to less commonly occurring fields
#[prost(string, tag = "16" )]
pub name_prefix : String , // tag=16 (eg. mr/mrs/ms)
pub name_suffix : String , // tag=17 (eg. jr/esq)
pub maiden_name : String , // tag=18
#[derive( Clone , Copy , Debug , PartialEq , Eq , Enumeration )]
pub enum Gender {
Unknown = 0 ,
Female = 1 ,
Male = 2 ,
rust codegen doc
生成的代码有运行时库 ?(prost 可以 no_std 支持),支持 reflection
更像 cpp protobuf 版本的生成文件(不好说是优势还是劣势)
生成的代码行数 rust-protobuf 是 prost 的十倍,
prost 生成的 .rs
几乎与 .proto
cargo build script doc
cargo build 在编译之前会先编译 build.rs 文件并执行,The script may communicate with Cargo by printing specially formatted commands prefixed with cargo:
to stdout,比如 println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", file_name);
,默认 package 文件任何一个变更都会重新执行
// build.rs
use anyhow :: Result ;
#[rustfmt :: skip]
const PROTOBUF_FILES : & [( & str , & str )] = & [
( "a" , "a.proto" ),
( "b" , "b.proto" ),
( "c" , "c.proto" ),
fn main () -> Result <()> {
for (dir, file) in PROTOBUF_FILES {
let file_path = format! ( "{}/{}" , dir, file);
println! ( "cargo:rerun-if-changed={}" , file_path);
// prost
prost_build :: Config :: new ()
. out_dir (dir)
. compile_protos ( & [ & file_path], & [dir]) ? ;
// rust-protobuf
protobuf_codegen_pure :: Codegen :: new ()
. out_dir ( "src/protos" )
. input ( & file_path)
. include (dir)
. run ()
. expect ( "Codegen failed" );
Ok (())