optimizer (opt)
| v
.c file --> AST --> LLVM IR --> assembly
^ ^ ^
parser lowering backend (llc)
\____________________/ \_____________________/
Clang Frontend LLVM
LLVM LRM is the actual truth about what is LLVM IR.
LLVM IR is also binary format (sometimes called ‘bitcode’), although we will be working exclusively with its text format (which use .ll
And LLVM IR is self-contained, instead, GCC use Gimple IR, that is not self-contained, backend need back to source-code tree to gen code.
Back to Basic Blocks
LLVM IR can be quite intimidating to read, since it contains much more ancillary information than an assembly dump. Consider this function:
pub fn square(x: i32) -> i32 {
x * x
Click this, it will take you to Godbolt that lowers it to LLVMIR. Most of the code is just metadata, but it’s really intimidating!
Starting from compiler output will have a steep difficulty curve, because we have to face the full complexity of LLVM IR. For Rust , this will likely mean encountering exception-handling, which is how panics are implemented, and function attributes that forward Rust’s guarantees(e.g. non-null pointers) to LLVM.
Instead, we’ll introducing the basic syntax of LLVM IR, and then tackle reading compiler output.
A trivial function
There is also declare
, which has exactly the same purpose as a function without a body in C: it brings an external symbol into scope.
define void @do_nothing() {
ret void
The return type of the function (void
) immediately follows the define
keyword; the name of the function starts with an @
, which introduces us to the concept of sigils
: every user-defined symbol starts with a sigil, indicating what kind of symbol it is. @
is used for global and functions: things you can take the address of (when used as a value, they are always ptr-typed).
The body of a function resembles assembly: a list of labels and instructions, unlike ordinary assembly, however, there are significant restrictions on the structure of these instructions.
In this case, there is only one instruction: a void
-typed return. Unlike most assembly languages, LLVM IR is strongly typed, and requires explicit type annotations almost everywhere.
Here is another trivial function:
define void @do_not_call() {
This function will trigger undefined behavior upon being called: the unreachable
instruction represents a codepath that compiler can assume is never executed.
This is an import distinction between LLVM IR and an assembly language: some operations are explicitly left undefined to leave room for potential optimizations. For example, LLVM can reason that, because @do_not_call
immediately triggers undefined behavior, all calls to @do_not_call
are also unreachable (and propagate unreachability from there).
purely scalar code
define i32 @square(i32 %x) {
%1 = mul i32 %x, %x
ret i32 %1
The argument is specified as i32 %x
. Names a %
sigil are sort of like local variables, but with some restrictions that make them more optimization-friendly; as we’ll see later, they’re not really “variable” at all. LLVM sometimes calls them register; in a sense, LLVM IR is assembly for an abstract machine with an infinite number of registers. I’ll be calling %
-prefixed names “registers” throughout this blog.
is primitive integer types. All integer types in LLVM are of the form iN
, for any N
. There are no signed or unsigned types: instead, instructions that care about signedness will specify which semantic they use.
The first instruction is a mul i32
, which multiples the two i32
operands together, and returns a value; we assign this to the new register %1
. The next instruction returns this value.
The other arithmetic operations have the names you expect: add, sub, and, or, xor, shl
. There are two division and remainder instructions, signed (sdiv, srem
) and unsigned (udiv, urem
). There two shift right instructions, again signed (ashr
) and unsigned (lshr
We can also convert from one integer type to another using trunc, zext, sext
, which truncate, zero-extend and sign-extend, respectively. For example, if we wanted the square
function to never overflow, we could write:
define i64 @square(i32 %x) {
%1 = sext i32 %x to i64
%2 = mul i64 %1, %1
return i64 %2
Here we cast %x
to i64
by sign-extension and then square the result.
Of course, interesting function have control flow. Suppose we want a safe division function:
fn safe_div(n: u64, d: u64) -> u64 {
if d == 0 { return u64::MAX; }
n / d
define i64 @safe_div(i64 %n, i64 %d) {
%1 = icmp eq i64 %d, 0
%2 = udiv i64 %n, %d
%3 = select i1 %1, i64 - 1, i64 %2
ret i64 %3
However, this has a problem: division by zero is UB, and select
is not short circuiting: its semantics are closer to that of cmov
in x86.
We need to use br
instruction, which represents a general branch operation.
define i64 @safe_div(i64 %n, i64 %d) {
%1 = icmp eq i64 %d, 0
br i1 %1, label %iszero, label %nonzero
ret i64 - 1
%2 = udiv i64 %n, %d
ret i64 %2
the type LLVM uses for boolean.
Basic block: a sequence of non-control flow operations, plus an instruction that moves control flow away from the block.
is “block terminator”, and other like goto
, switch
. Besides, unreachable
is a special terminator that does not trigger control flow per se, but which can terminate a block.
LLVM is a static single assignment form (SSA) IR. LLVM was actually started at the turn of the century to create a modern SSA optimizer as an academic project.
SSA form means that every register is assigned by at most one instruction per function. Different executions of the same block in the same function may produce different values for particular registers, but we cannot mutate
already assigned registers.
In other words:
- Every register is guaranteed to be initialized by a single expression.
- Every register depends only on the values of registers assigned before its definition.
In SSA, we reinterpret mutation as many versions of a single variable. Thus, we might lower x += y
%x.1 = add i32 %x.0, %y.0
Here, we’ve used a var.n
convention to indicate which version of a variable a specific register represents (LLVM does not enforce any naming conventions).
However, when loops enter the mix, it’s not clear how to manage versions. The number of registers in a function is static, but the number of loop iterations is dynamic.
Concretely, how do we implement this function?
fn pow(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 {
let mut r = 1;
for i in 0..y {
r *= x;
We could try something like this:
define i32 @pow(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
br label %loop
%r = add i32 %r, %x ; ERROR: Recursive definition.
%i = add i32 %i, 1 ; ERROR: Recursive definition.
%done = icmp eq i32 %i, %y
br i1 %done, label %exit, label %loop
ret i32 %r
But there’s a problem! What are the original definitions of %r
and %i
? The IR verifier will complain that these registers depend directly on themselves, which violates SSA form. What’s the “right” way to implement this function?
One option is to ask LLVM! We’ll implement the function poorly, and let the optimizer clean it up for us.
First, let’s write the function using memory operations, like load
s and store
s, to implement mutation. We can use the alloca
instruction to create statically-sized stack slots; these instructions return a ptr
define i32 @pow(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
; Create slots for r and the index, and initialize them.
; This is equivalent to something like
; int i = 0, r = 1;
; in C.
%r = alloca i32
%i = alloca i32
store i32 1, ptr %r
store i32 0, ptr %i
br label %loop_start
; Load the index and check if it equals y.
%i.check = load i32, ptr %i
%done = icmp eq i32 %i.check, %y
br i1 %done, label %exit, label %loop
; r *= x
%r.old = load i32, ptr %r
%r.new = mul i32 %r.old, %x
store i32 %r.new, ptr %r
; i += 1
%i.old = load i32, ptr %i
%i.new = add i32 %i.old, 1
store i32 %i.new, ptr %i
br label %loop_start
%r.ret = load i32, ptr %r
ret i32 %r.ret
Next we can pass this into LLVM optimizer. opt -p mem2reg
, which runs a single “memory to register” pass.
; After running through `opt -p mem2reg`
define i32 @pow(i32 %x, i32 %y) {
br label %loop_start
%i.0 = phi i32 [0, %start], [%i.new, %loop]
%r.0 = phi i32 [1, %start], [%r.new, %loop]
%done = icmp eq i32 %i.0, %y
br i1 %done, label %exit, label %loop
%r.new = mul i32 %r.0, %x
%i.new = add i32 %i.0, 1
br label %loop_start
ret i32 %r.0
The alloca
s are gone, but now we’re faced with a new instruction: phi
. “φ node” is jargon from the original SSA paper; the greek letter φ means “phoney”. These instructions select a value from a list based on which basic block we jumped to the block from.
For example, phi i32 [0, %start], [%i.new, %loop]
says “this value should be 0 if we came from the start
block; otherwise %i.new
if it came from %loop
Unlike all other instructions, phi
can refer to values that are not defined in all blocks that dominate the current block. This lets us have a dynamic number of versions of a variable! Here’s what that looks like in a dynamic execution context.
A block
is said to dominate a block%b
if each of its predecessors is either%a
or a block dominated by%a
. In other words, every path from the first block to%b
passes through%a
. In general instructions can only refer to values defined in previous instructions in the current block or values from blocks that dominate it.
directly jumps into%loop_start
. The first block cannot be a jump target, since it cannot havephi
nodes because its predecessors include function’s callsite. -
, since we’ve entered from%start
are selected to be the first versions of the (platonic)i
variables, i.e., their initial values; we jump to%loop
. -
is dominated by%loop_start
so we can use%i.0
there directly; these are the*=
operations. Then we jump back to%loop_start
. -
Back in
, thephi
s now select%i.new
, so now%i.0
are the second versions ofi
. By induction, the nth execution of%loop_start
has the nth versions ofi
. -
When we finally get sent to
, we can use%r.0
), which will be the%y
th version ofr
; this is our return value.
With phi
and br
, we can build arbitrarily complicated control flow within a function.
Types and Aggregates
Now we have basic scalar functions, let’s review LLVM’s type system.
and its friends, i1
used as the boolean type. LLVM also has float
and double
, and some exotic float types like bfloat
; these use their own arithmetic instructions with different options. I’ll pass on them in this explainer, see fadd
and friends in the LRM for more.
which is only used as a return value, and ptr
which is untyped pointer.
We’ve also seen the label
pseudo-type, which represents a block label. It does not appear directly at runtime and has limited uses; the token
and metadata
types are similar.
Arrays are spelled [n x T]
; the number must be an integer and type must have a definite size. E.g. [1024 x i8]
. Zero-sized arrays are supported.
Structs are spelled {T1, T2, ...}
. E.g., {i64, ptr}
is a Rust slice. Struct fields do not have names and are indexed, instead. The form <{...}>
is a packed struct, which removes inter-field padding. E.g. #[repr(packed)]
compiles down to this.
Vectors are like arrays but spelled <n x T>
. These are used to represent types used in SIMD operations. For example, adding two <4 x i32>
would lower to an AVX2 vector add on x86. I will not touch on SIMD stuff beyond this, although at higher optimization levels LLVM will merge scalar operations into vector operations, so you may come across them.
Type aliases can be created at file scope with the syntax:
%Slice = type {i64, ptr}
This means that %T
can be either a type or a register/label inside of a function, depending on syntactic position.
Operations on Aggregates
The insertvalue
and extractvalue
can be used with struct or array types to statically access a field. For example,
%MyStruct = type {i32, {[5 x i8], i64}}
; In Rust-like syntax, this is `let v = s.1.0[4];`
%v = extractvalue %MyStruct %s, 1, 0, 4
is the reverse: it produces a copy of the aggregate with a specific field changed. It does not mutate in-place, because SSA forbids that.
; In Rust-like syntax, this is
; let s2 = { let mut s = s; s2.1.1 = 42; s };
%s2 = insertvalue %MyStruct %s, i64 42, 1, 1
There are similar operations called insertelement
and extractelement
work on vectors, but have slightly different syntax and semantics.
Finally, there’s getelementptr
, the “pointer arithmetic instruction”, often abbreviated to GEP. A GEP can be used to calculate an offset pointer into a struct. For example,
define ptr @get_inner_in_array(ptr %p, i64 %idx) {
%q = getelementptr %MyStruct, ptr %p, i64 %idx, i32 1, i32 1
ret ptr %q
This function takes in a pointer, ostensibly pointing to an array of %MyStruct
s, and an index. This returns a pointer to the i64
field of the %idx
th element of %p
A few important differences between GEP and extractvalue
- It takes an untyped pointer instead of a value of a particular struct/array type.
- There is an extra parameter that specifies an index; from the perspective of GEP, every pointer is a pointer to an array of unspecified bound. When operating on a pointer that does not (at runtime) point to an array, an index operand of
is still required. (Alternatively, you can view a pointer toT
as being a pointer to a one-element array.) - The index parameters need explicit types.
LLVM provides a helpful FAQ on the GEP instruction: https://llvm.org/docs/GetElementPtr.html.
Other operations
Some other operations are very relevant for reading IR, but don’t fit into any specific category. As always, the LangRef provides a full description of what all of these instructions do.
function calls
, which calls any ptr
as a function. For example:
; Arguments are passed in parentheses.
%r = call i32 @my_func(i32 %x)
Note that this could have been a %reg
instead of a @global
, which indicates a function pointer call.
Sometimes you will see invoke
, which is used to implement “call a function inside of a C++ try {}
block”. This is rare in Rust, but can occur in some C++ code.
Function calls are often noisy areas of IR, because they will be very heavily annotated.
The load
and store
instructions we’ve already seen can be annotated as atomic
, which is used to implement e.g. AtomicU32::load
in Rust; this requires that an atomic ordering be specified, too. E.g.,
%v = load atomic i32, ptr %p acquire
The fence
operation is a general memory fence operation corresponding to e.g. Rust’s std::sync::atomic::fence
provides the CAS (compare-and-swap) primitive. It returns a {T, i1}
containing the old value and whether the CAS succeeded. cmpxchg weak
implements the spuriously-failing “weak CAS” primitive.
Finally, atomicrmw
performs a read-modify-write (e.g., *p = op(*p, val)
) atomically. This is used to implement things like AtomicU32::fetch_add
and friends.
All of these operations, except for fence
, can also be marked as volatile
. In LLVM IR, much like in Rust but unlike in C/C++, individual loads and stores are volatile (i.e., have compiler-invisible side-effects). volatile
can be combined with atomic operations (e.g. load atomic volatile
), although most languages don’t provide access to these (except older C++ versions).
Reinterpret Shenanigans
is what mem::transmute
and reinterpret_cast
in Rust and C++, respectively, ultimately compile into. It can convert any non-aggregate type (integers, vectors) to any other type of the same bit width. For example, it can be used to get at the bits of a floating-point value:
%bits = bitcast double %fp to i64
It also used to be what was used to cast pointer types (e.g. i32*
to i8*
). Pointers are now all untyped (ptr
) so this use is no longer present.
However, bitcast
cannot cast between pointer and integer data. For this we must use the inttoptr
and ptrtoint
9 instructions. These have the same syntax, but interact with the sketchy semantics of pointer-to-integer conversion and pointer provenance. This part of LLVM’s semantics is a bit of an ongoing trashfire; see Ralf Jung’s post for an introduction to this problem.
There is also a vast collection of LLVM intrinsics, which are specified in the LangRef. For example, if we need a particular built-in memcpy, we can bring it into scope with a declare
; ptr %dst, ptr %src, i64 %len, i1 %volatile
declare void @llvm.memcpy.p0.p0.i64(ptr, ptr, i64, i1)
All of the LLVM intrinsics are functions that start with llvm.
; diving into all of them is far beyond what we can do here.
I’m also leaving out discussion of floating point, SIMD, and exception handling, each of which would require their own articles!
Undefined Behavior
LLVM exists to generate optimized code, and optimizations require that we declare certain machine states “impossible”, so that we can detect when we can simplify what the programmer has said. This is “undefined behavior”.
For example, we’ve already encountered unreachable
, which LLVM assumes cannot be executed. Division by zero and accessing memory out of bounds is also undefined.
Most LLVM UB factors through the concept of “poisoned values”. A poison value can be thought of as “taking on every value at once”, whichever is convenient for the current optimization pass with no respect to any other passes. This also means that if optimizations don’t detect a use of poison, it is ok from LLVM’s perspective to give you a garbage value. This is most visible at -O0
, which performs minimal optimization.
Using a poison value as a pointer in a load
, store
, or call
must be UB, because LLVM can choose it to be a null pointer. It also can’t be the denominator of a udiv
or similar, because LLVM can choose it to be zero, which is UB. Passing poison into a br
or a switch
is also defined to be UB.
LLVM can perform dataflow analysis to try to determine what operations a poisonous value that was used in a UB way came from, and thus assume those operations cannot produce poison. Because all operations (other than select
and phi
) with a poison input produce poison, backwards reasoning allows LLVM to propagate UB forward. This is where so-called “time traveling UB” comes from.
Many operations generate poison. For example, in C, signed overflow is UB, so addition lowers to an add nsw
stands for no signed wrap). Instead of wrapping on overflow, the instruction produces poison. There is also an unsigned version of the annotation, nuw
Many other operations have “less defined” versions, which are either generated by optimizations, or inserted directly by the compiler that invokes LLVM when the language rules allow it (see C above). More examples include:
and friends have anexact
annotation, which requires that the division have a zero remainder, else poison.getelementptr
has aninbounds
annotation, which produces poison if the access is actually out of bounds. This changes it from a pure arithmetic operation to one more closely matching C’s pointer arithmetic restrictions. GEP withoutinbounds
corresponds to Rust’s<*mut T>::wrapping_offset()
function.- Floating point operations marked with
will produce poison instead of a NaN or an infinite value, respectively (or when a NaN or infinity is an argument).
Creating poison is not UB; only using it is. This is weaker than the way UB works in most languages; in C, overflow is instantly UB, but in LLVM overflow that is never “witnessed” is simply ignored. This is a simpler operational semantics for reasoning about the validity of optimizations: UB must often be viewed as a side-effect, because the compiler will generate code that puts the program into a broken state. For example, division by zero will cause a fault in many architectures. This means UB-causing operations cannot always be reordered soundly. Replacing “causes UB” with “produces poison” ensures the vast majority of operations are pure and freely reorderable.
Reading Some Codegen
Let’s go back to our original Rust example!
pub fn square(x: i32) -> i32 {
x * x
This is the output
source_filename = "example.b6eb2c7a6b40b4d2-cgu.0"
target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
; example::square
define i32 @_ZN7example6square17hb32bcde4463f37c3E(i32 %x) unnamed_addr #0 {
%0 = call { i32, i1 } @llvm.smul.with.overflow.i32(i32 %x, i32 %x)
%_2.0 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %0, 0
%_2.1 = extractvalue { i32, i1 } %0, 1
%1 = call i1 @llvm.expect.i1(i1 %_2.1, i1 false)
br i1 %1, label %panic, label %bb1
ret i32 %_2.0
; core::panicking::panic
call void @_ZN4core9panicking5panic17ha338a74a5d65bf6fE(
ptr align 1 @str.0,
i64 33,
ptr align 8 @alloc_1368addac7d22933d93af2809439e507
declare { i32, i1 } @llvm.smul.with.overflow.i32(i32, i32) #1
declare i1 @llvm.expect.i1(i1, i1) #2
; core::panicking::panic
declare void @_ZN4core9panicking5panic17ha338a74a5d65bf6fE(ptr align 1, i64, ptr align 8) unnamed_addr #3
@alloc_9be5c135c0f7c91e35e471f025924b11 = private unnamed_addr constant
<{ [15 x i8] }>
<{ [15 x i8] c"/app/example.rs" }>, align 1
@alloc_1368addac7d22933d93af2809439e507 = private unnamed_addr constant
<{ ptr, [16 x i8] }> <{
ptr @alloc_9be5c135c0f7c91e35e471f025924b11,
[16 x i8] c"\0F\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\02\00\00\00\03\00\00\00"
}>, align 8
@str.0 = internal constant [33 x i8] c"attempt to multiply with overflow"
attributes #0 = { nonlazybind uwtable }
attributes #1 = { nocallback nofree nosync nounwind speculatable willreturn memory(none) }
attributes #2 = { nocallback nofree nosync nounwind willreturn memory(none) }
attributes #3 = { cold noinline noreturn nonlazybind uwtable }
The main function is @_ZN7example6square17hb32bcde4463f37c3E
, which is the mangled name of example::square
. Because this code was compiled in debug mode, overflow panics, so we need to generate code for that. The first operation is a call
to the LLVM intrinsic for “multiply and tell us if it overflowed”. This returns the equivalent of a (i32, bool)
; we extract both value out of it with extractvalue
. We then pass the bool through @llvm.expect
, which is used to tell the optimizer to treat the panicking branch as “cold”. The success branch goes to a return, which returns the product; otherwise, we go to a function that calls core::panicking::panic()
to panic the current thread. This function never returns, so we can terminate the block with an unreachable
The rest of the file consists of :
for the llvm intrinsics we used.- A
. Any external function we call needs to bedeclare
d. This also gives us a place to hang attributes for the function off of. - Global constants for a
and a panic message - Attributes for the functions above
This is a good place to mention attributes: LLVM has all kinds of attributes that can be placed on functions (and function calls) to record optimization-relevant information. For example, @llvm.expect.i1
is annotated as willreturn
, which means this function will eventually return; this means that, for example, any UB that comes after the function is guaranteed to occur after finite time, so LLVM can conclude that code is unreachable despite the call to @llvm.expect.i1
. The full set of attributes is vast, but the LangRef documents all of them!
Useful command for CFG
What does the CFG look like? LLVM contains “optimization” passes that print the CFG as a file as a .dot
file, which can be rendered with the dot
rustc -O --crate-type lib --emit llvm-ir safe_div.rs
opt -p dot-cfg -o /dev/null safe_div.ll
dot -Tsvg .safe_div.dot -o safe_div.svg
Would to render the svg for safe_div